Chad's Blog

But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at my Word. Isaiah 66:2

Aug 5, 2010

What I observed at Mission OKC...

I had a great three days with our youth on mission in OKC.  One reason it was so relaxing is because our youth  have such great leadership in Tyler Geohagan, and for me to say that about a youth minister is no small thing.  So I just got to love Jesus, do mission work, and quietly observe.

As I observed our young people in action, I must say I was thoroughly impressed with the ranks of our youth ministry.  I don't believe I heard one real complaint by anyone during the whole trip, and considering the average age of our mission team, and the thermally enhanced weather conditions, this anomaly of non-complaining was all the more impressive. 

But having no need for a complaint department was not the only thing that encouraged me about this young generation of Jesus-following whippersnappers.  They also worked.  And I don't mean they just did a good job, but they worked harder as volunteers than many who get paid.  Better yet, they did it all with staggering enthusiasm.  It was almost as if serving the Lord was a privilege for them.

And lastly, I observed no female drama queens or testosterone driven bullies.  There was no crying or yelling or fit-throwing.  There was no foot stomping or door slamming or homesick whining.  Instead everyone was surprisingly comfortable in their own skin.  So whether one chose to be silly or goofy or downright weird, no one seemed to mind, as it appeared they were only there for one reason: to lift up the name of Jesus and push back the encroaching darkness.  And push back they did.


Breanna Pittsenbargar said...

It is a Privilege to serve the LORD! It is also Extremely fun! and as for your "quietly observing" i dont think that nature boy and yelling random sayings was very quiet, but again, very fun! haha. you do such a great job at doing what you do Chad, Thank you for everything! :D

Cindi said...

Our youth have a great youth minister and they had great sponsors that went with them. Thanks to all that encourage and teach our youth!

Juliet said...

My thoughts are yours exactly. I was so impressed with the enthusiasm and outpouring of love from our youth, young men and women alike. Tyler's obvious love and devotion for God is contagious and that makes him a great leader for our youth. I also agree about how you said "everyone was comfortable in their own skin", which allowed them to be serious or goofy, and accepted by their fellow youth without being embarrassed or feeling judged, which often happens with young people. This mission trip was an amazing follow up to an amazing Falls Creek. I just know that this generation of young people are going to make a strong impact on our community and school this year and years to come.