Chad's Blog

But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at my Word. Isaiah 66:2

Jul 24, 2011

Love for Homosexuals

The culture war between secular minds and biblical thinkers perhaps has not been more heated than in the discussion of sexual orientation. One side argues for a genetic link predisposing one to homosexuality, while the other side reduces it to a simple choice. One side will argue that homosexuality is in line with God's will, while the other side cries "abomination" with judgmental venom signifying the highest degree of ignorance (yes, I’m talking to you Westboro Baptist Church).

Yet, even those not numbered among the grossly misguided fringe are often misguided still. Since homosexual lust is not in their sin portfolio they feel morally superior to those who are of the homosexual persuasion. This ill-fated air of moral supremacy has resulted in the catastrophic failure of the church to reach out to the homosexual community with any meaningful degree of grace. Paul prescribes this wise approach in Colossians 4:5-6, “Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace…”

This tragic misunderstanding of sin and gospel, and the attitude accompanying such a misunderstanding, often costs evangelical Christians the right to enter into any meaningful dialogue with homosexuals (and many others).

I must admit I’ve never been persuaded that homosexuality was a mere matter of choice as if it could be turned off with the flip of a switch. Theology teaches us that our sin nature is much too deeply embedded to simply be turned on and off at will. Paul said in Romans 7:18 “For I know that in my flesh nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find.” He continues in verses 24-25 “O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God--through Jesus Christ our Lord!”

Every sinner who comes to faith in Jesus Christ recognizes the need to have their flesh redeemed, including its sexual desires. Homosexual lusts can no more be turned off at will than heterosexual lusts. Evangelical Christians often fail to remember that we all are sinners, and all of our sexual desires fall short of God’s glory (regardless of orientation), and that the only hope for our redemption was and is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Al Mohler said, “All Christians struggle with their own pattern of sinful desires, sexual and otherwise. Our responsibility as Christians is to be obedient to Christ, knowing that only He can save us from ourselves.”

Clearly the New Testament pattern of evangelism included ministry to homosexuals (see 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Yet when this ministry takes the form of moralism, the true Gospel of Christ is compromised. No sinner has the capability to redeem him or herself. We all enter this life plagued with a darkness of heart that can only be remedied by the Light of the World, and until that illumination takes place we remain slaves to our fallen nature (see John 8:34).

Yes, I love homosexuals. I love them because God loved me. Dear Christian, the grace of God to us wretched sinners is too precious a gift to be misunderstood, taken for granted, or hoarded. So lets find a fresh sense of gratitude and humility, praying that it would lead us to obey the dictates of the Great Commission by taking the gospel of grace to all sinners with a disposition that reflects the gratefulness of a soul that was once lost, but now is found.

1 comment:

Teri said...

This is very well said. I have always lived by the saying "Hate the sin, Love the sinner." I know that God loves me even though I am a sinner. Sin is Sin in God's eyes. My sins are no less than that of a homosexual.
I think the problem I have is when I am asked to be tolerant of the lifestyle. I do believe it is wrong just as I believe it is wrong for heterosexuals to participate in sex outside the marriage.
A very touchy subject in this day and age, but your blog is a great reminder of God's grace for "ALL" sinners.
Look forward to reading more.