Chad's Blog

But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at my Word. Isaiah 66:2

Jul 7, 2010

"But what if I never do anything wrong?"

I jokingly asked Willliam if he wanted his spanking now or later.  He gave me a quizzical look, asking, "Why would you give me a spanking?  I haven't done anything wrong."  I told him it would be a spanking for something he hasn't done yet, so that when that happens we will already have the spanking behind us.  He then profoundly replied, "But what if I never do anything wrong?"

Wouldn't that be a nice possibility?  To look toward the future with a naive scheme of never making a mistake, never speaking an ill word, never having selfish motives, never nurturing a sinful attitude.  Yet, many people seem to live life with exactly this philosophy, truly believing that they never do anything wrong. 

Maybe you could consider how many times you've apologized to anyone in the past few years.  Do you apologize on a regular basis, or do feel you deserve apologies from others?  Do you spend most of your time observing the faults of others, or do you spend more time working on your own faults?  Do you feel its your God-given responsibility to recognize the mistakes of others and point them out, or do you feel you have enough of your own mistakes to occupy your time?  Do you spend much of your time angry because other people are always at fault, or do you ever stop to consider if you're the problem?  Do you expect perfection from others, while feeling that you yourself are perfect?  Are you ever wrong, or are you always right?
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