Chad's Blog

But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at my Word. Isaiah 66:2

Dec 13, 2011

Tebow, or not Tebow?

I haven’t cared a whole lot about sports since the Chicago Bulls ended their dynasty, but my interests have recently rekindled. Tim Tebow has won seven out of eight starts as the Bronco’s starting QB. He never gives up, puts his team ahead of himself, inspires them to play better, and realizes incomplete passes are better than interceptions. Oh, and did I mention he is a bona fide, born again, pew jumping, Bible thumping, fired up follower of the risen Christ?

The secular media, bless its poor misguided heart, just doesn’t know what to do with terrific Tim. While many so-called sports analysts have either downplayed the conservative quarterback’s success, or worked hard to be offended by it, they both have been ever so careful not to credit Heaven.

The wide world of pagans would rather bed down with mockery and dark sarcasm than entertain the thought that Tebow’s God shares any responsibility for fourth quarter resurrections. Yet, I submit to you that they haven’t quite pulled it off.

Cal-Berkeley Professor Dacher Keltner says, “What this new science of altruism and cooperation is finding is that, highly cooperative, other oriented, compassionate and empathetic individuals, their teams perform better, their organizations are healthier.”

Holy methodological naturalism, Batman. They just credited Tebow’s leadership skills to God-inspired biblical principles (see Psalm 1:1-3 and James 3:16-17). It appears even the most sensible and honest pagan evaluation of Tebow’s success gives glory to God. And I couldn’t be more tickled.

“I am the Lord, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another.” Isaiah 42:8

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