Chad's Blog

But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at my Word. Isaiah 66:2

May 28, 2011

Tribute to Mom

The following is a tribute I gave to my mother a few years ago.

Dear Mom,

For several months I’ve been forming words in my mind for a tribute to you for being such an incredible mother and investing your very best in me. As adults we see things kids never see, and that perspective has only heightened my respect and gratitude for the woman that God chose to be my mother.

You are far too humble a person to say so, but I know you overcame many challenges as a child I never had to face. Instead of all the years of support I had from a mother, you were raised apart from your mother in foster care. Though you never felt the love of your parents growing up, I have felt, heard, and known your love my whole life. Because of you, I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know there was a God who loved me, or a time when I didn’t know how to pray.

You overcame other obstacles too, Mom. In the midst of the worst times I can remember, you managed to go back and finish nursing school and create a better life for you and your three boys. You are an over-comer in a world of excuse makers. May I be like you.

Remember the foot races around the house, popcorn cooked in a pot, extra puppies, hot summer nights, and all the peanut butter sandwiches? Remember all the broken bones? Five if I counted right. Remember how I’d make you cry, laugh, and occasionally swear. You were never perfect, but you were always authentic. You have forgotten more about showing kindness than most people will ever know. I hope I’m like you in that.

And when I finally surrendered to the Lord, you accepted my apologies for being a rebellious son and helped me get back into college and finish. I honor you Mom. You are a triple-double, grand slam, record setting mother; a success by faith. And I hear you saying, “For the Lord’s glory, Chad.”

And I say, “Amen.”

Ephesians 6:2-3 "Honor your father and mother," which is the first commandment with promise: "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth."


Jan said...

Chad, as I read this I had tears in my eyes and had to stop reading for a minute. What a wonderful tribute to your Mom. She is so blessed to have a son like you. I love you, Mom Jan

Stacy said...

What a Wonderful tribute to your Mom Chad. We are all blessed to have you as our Pastor and appreciate you and your sweet Family. May God Bless You All:)
Stacy F.